Setting up auto pay on a Bank of America credit card is tricky to figure out. Here’s a walkthrough of how to do it.
Pay Rent Electronically By Zelle: Daily Limit and Recurring Payments
Zelle works well for paying rent, but it can be a challenge to find a bank that allows a higher sending limit and supports scheduled automatic payments.
3 Good Money Habits Going Obsolete In a Low Interest Rate World
People form money habits over many years. Many of these habits are passed down from generation to generation as good ways to manage one’s money. Sadly some of these habits are going obsolete in the current low interest rate world. They made more sense when interest rates were high. They matter very little when interest […]
Mysterious Check In the Mail
I owed a friend some money for some shared expenses. I used Fidelity’s online bill payment service to pay him because he doesn’t have a PayPal account and I was too lazy to find an envelope and a stamp. A few weeks passed and I still don’t see the check hitting my account. Fidelity uses […]