Having a very high deductible on health insurance gives you the freedom to choose any provider and pay less than the rate you’d otherwise pay through insurance.
ACA Health Insurance: Different Plans For Different Family Members
When you get health insurance from ACA, you can enroll different family members with different healthcare needs into different insurance plans.
When ACA Insurance Does Not Include Your Doctor
If your doctor is only covered by a more expensive health insurance plan, you can save money on insurance and still keep your doctor.
Where To Get Vaccine Shots For International Travel
Health insurance often doesn’t cover vaccines for international travel. I got my vaccine shots at an unusual place.
Health Care Expenses Bunching
When you are flexible in scheduling health care services, doing it this year or next year can make a difference in how much you will pay out of pocket.
Do The Math: HMO/PPO vs High Deductible Plan With HSA
When the premiums between a high deductible and a low deductible health plan are close, the bulk of the savings come from the tax deduction on HSA contributions.