If you get health insurance from ACA, the government sets the percentages of income you are expected to contribute toward a benchmark policy.
How to Enter 2024 ESPP Sold in FreeTaxUSA: Adjust Cost Basis
Follow these detailed steps with screenshots for how to adjust the cost basis in FreeTaxUSA when you sell ESPP shares. Otherwise you will get double-taxed.
How to Enter 2024 ESPP Sales in H&R Block: Adjust Cost Basis
Follow these detailed steps with screenshots for how to adjust the cost basis in H&R Block when you sell ESPP shares. Otherwise you will get double-taxed.
How To Enter 2024 ESPP Sales In TurboTax: Adjust Cost Basis
Follow these detailed steps with screenshots for how to adjust the cost basis in TurboTax when you sell ESPP shares. Otherwise you will get double-taxed.
An Unusually High Marginal Tax Rate Means Paying Lower Taxes
An unusually high marginal tax rate isn’t a problem. You’re rewarded with paying lower taxes. You live on after-tax dollars, not rates.
Roth Conversion and Capital Gains On ACA Health Insurance
Use this calculator to see the marginal tax rate on Roth conversions and long-term capital gains when you also receive a subsidy on ACA health insurance.
California and New Jersey HSA Tax Return Special Considerations
When you are a resident of California or New Jersey, having an HSA and especially investing in the HSA require extra tax reporting. Here’s how to do it.
Calculator: Sell Your Home For Tax Free Capital Gains
This calculator helps you decide whether you should sell and re-buy your home in order to eliminate or reduce future capital gains tax.
Change Your Cost Basis Method From Average Cost To Specific Identification
Vanguard, Fidelity, and Schwab default cost basis tracking method to average cost for mutual funds. Here’s how you can change it to specific identification to minimize taxes.
Reset Cost Basis Higher By Realizing Capital Gains
When you are in the 15% tax bracket or below, long-term capital gains are taxed at 0%. Take advantage of the tax-free capital gains and reset your cost basis higher.
Converting to Roth and Harvesting Capital Gains Under Obamacare ACA Premium Subsidy
You will pay an extra 10-15% tax if you convert to Roth or realize capital gains while you receive the premium subsidy under the ACA.
Happy Trails With Income Poor
This is the third and final installment on my Asset Rich Income Poor strategy. The road to asset rich sounds simple at a high level but it’s not that easy at the details level, because every decision you make has tradeoffs. The tradeoffs affect the final outcome in ways you can’t know for sure. I […]