When your 401k-type plan allows non-Roth after-tax contributions, you can take the money out to a Roth IRA or convert to Roth within the plan. Either way works.
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Mutual Fund Or ETF Dividend Frequency and Compounding
How often a mutual fund or ETF pays dividends doesn’t affect its performance.
Early Retirement and Opportunity Cost
Early retirement is expensive when you include the opportunity cost. It’s the opposite of frugality.
Warranty On Car Repairs Out of Town
If you need car repairs out of town, try to get warranty that can be honored at home.
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize: Leave Some Money On The Table
It’s not necessary to wring every last drop out of your big wins. Leave some money on the table. It minimizes the chances of something going wrong.
Price and Effectiveness: Nasonex vs Nasacort Or Flonase
OTC drugs Nasacort and Flonase can be just as effective as prescription drug Nasonex at 1/10th the cost.
Track and Manage Incoming Packages: Slice App, FedEx Delivery Manager, UPS My Choice
FedEx and UPS offer free programs to help you track and manage incoming packages.
Maintain A Roth IRA Contributions and Withdrawals Spreadsheet
You need a spreadsheet to track your Roth IRA contributions and withdrawals.
Unlimited Vacation Encourages Taking More Time Off
Make sure you take enough number of days off when your company has an unlimited vacation policy.
HSA Money: Cover Expenses Now or Let It Grow?
Although you can save receipts forever and treat your HSA like a stealth IRA, I choose not to.