Next time you hear “people used to have a pension,” think “people used to save 15-20% of their pay.” Nothing stops you from doing so today, unless you don’t want to.
Positive Cash Flow: An Open Secret In Early Retirement
Having both current income and an investment portfolio makes you financially more secure. That’s the smart way to do FIRE.
Can 401k and IRA Contribution Limits Go Down If We Have Deflation?
401k and IRA contribution limits are adjusted for both inflation and deflation. If we have bad enough deflation, the limits can go lower.
Who’s Leaving 401k Match On the Table?
While everyone says get the 401k match, lower income employees end up losing out in a system against them.
Pension Choices: Lump Sum, Single Life Or Joint & Survivor
How do you decide which payment option is the best for your pension? A lump sum, lifetime monthly payments, or a joint & survivor pension?
Retiring Early: Effect On Social Security Benefits
Retiring early means lower average earnings for calculating Social Security benefits. However, once you reach the second bend point, you aren’t losing much. I show you how to see when you will reach the second bend point.
401k Match Policies: Every Payroll and True-Up
If your employer has an outdated 401k match policy you will have to do extra work. Employers current with the best practice give a true-up match every payroll.
Polepole: Anti-FOMO In Preparing for Retirement
Reject FOMO. Go at your own pace in preparing for retirement.
Social Security Claiming Strategy Calculators Compared
I compared two free calculators for the optimal Social Security claiming strategy with hypothetical test cases. They both do a good job.
You Can’t Eat Your House. Or Can You?
A paid-off home not only provides you a place to live. It can also fund your retirement.
Plan It and Update It
Putting your financial plan into a simple table helps you focus on the major blocks and see where you are.
Maintaining and Executing An Estate Plan
Real life experience and learning from maintaining and executing an estate plan.