Just having a trust document doesn’t do much. You need to put accounts under the trust’s name. I walk you through for how we did it with Fidelity, Vanguard, and Merrill Edge.
Will and Trust Through Employer Legal Plan
Using the legal plan through an employer works for simple estate planning.
Financially Comfortable and Pivot
Pivoting when you are financially comfortable offers a safer and more enjoyable path to a second childhood.
Roth 401k Makes People Have More Money To Spend In Retirement
Roth 401k makes it easy for people to fool themselves into contributing more.
Delayed Gratification And Enough
Employment income to net worth ratio explains whether a person decides to retire or keep working.
Encouraged By Others To Take Risks
Friends, co-workers and people on the Internet will encourage you to take risks when they have nothing to lose.
Early Retirement and Comparative Advantage
It makes little sense to retire early on a shoestrings budget that requires you to substitute your own labor for hired labor.
Mega Backdoor Roth: Convert Within Plan or Out to Roth IRA?
When your 401k-type plan allows non-Roth after-tax contributions, you can take the money out to a Roth IRA or convert to Roth within the plan. Either way works.
Early Retirement and Opportunity Cost
Early retirement is expensive when you include the opportunity cost. It’s the opposite of frugality.
Staying In Your Job After Financial Independence
Staying in a job you love after you reach financial independence provides great satisfaction and the financial means for all the luxuries you feel guilty about.
Mint Interview: My Not-So-Secret Secret
Interview on personal finance site mint.com on how to retire in your 40’s.
Internet Retirement Police Rule Book
What makes someone retired? Is being financial independent the same as retired? What about the self-employed or stay-at-home parents?