Here’s a calculator to help you decide whether you should take an early withdrawal from an existing CD to buy a new longer-term CD.
Transfer IRA From Mutual Fund To Credit Union For CDs
It’s not hard to transfer part of your IRA from a mutual fund company to a credit union to buy CDs.
Make Shared Branching Service Unnecessary
Shared branching is easy but I prefer not having to use it to begin with.
Bonds Had Good Returns: Wrong In CDs?
Bonds had surprisingly good returns in the first half of 2014. However, you are still better off in CDs.
2014 I Bonds vs PenFed CD
Pentagon Federal Credit Union offered a great deal on 5-year CDs. How do I Bonds compare with the PenFed CDs?
Bond Fund vs CD In the Next Five Years
Under what circumstance will a bond fund do better than a 5-year CD in the next five years?
Higher Yield On Brokered CD vs Early Withdrawal Option
Bond interest rates came up by about 1% after the Fed started talking about tapering Quantitative Easing. We are starting to see some higher rates in brokered CDs. This makes sense because brokered CDs compete directly with bonds. Brokered CDs don’t have the early withdrawal option. If you want out, you have to sell them […]
Stable Value Fund vs Bond Fund vs CDs
CDs are better than bond funds these days even though financial advisors rarely recommend CDs. Many 401k or 403b plans include a stable value fund. How do those compare to CDs and regular bond funds? CDs are appealing for several reasons: higher yield, principal stability, and FDIC-insurance. Stable value funds share some of the same […]
Why Financial Advisors Favor Bond Funds Over CDs
CDs are a better deal than bond funds nowadays but investors often don’t realize it. You would think financial advisors would be all over it when they are living and breathing in the investment world day in and day out. However, besides Allan Roth and Larry Swedroe, I haven’t seen many financial advisors recommend CDs […]
Why Investors Don’t Realize CDs Are a Better Deal Than Bonds
The best CDs are a better deal than bond funds but investors don’t realize it. They overvalue simplicity, overpay for liquidity. and they underestimate how easy it is to buy CDs even in IRAs.
CD vs Bond Fund: A Case Study
Although interest rates dropped during the study period, favoring bond funds, buying a CD still came out ahead.
Diversify Bond Funds with CDs
Bond funds and CDs are not mutually exclusive. Considering investing in both bond funds and CDs.