A CD special five years ago beat investing in a bond fund as expected.
The Best HSA Provider for Investing HSA Money
One HSA provider stands out well above others for people who invest the HSA money.
Fidelity Freedom Index Funds: Hidden Gems For Your IRA and 401k
Fidelity Freedom Index Funds offer deposit-and-forget convenience with low cost, broad diversification, and automatic rebalancing.
Easy Early Retirement Portfolio Withdrawals
A portfolio withdrawal setup is not complicated. Many parts are already familiar. The variable percentage withdrawal method automatically adapts.
What To Do With A Maturing CD
You have several good options for your maturing CD. All have their own merits. You can’t go too wrong.
When Tax Efficient Asset Placement Doesn’t Make Much Difference
Tax efficient asset placement is directionally correct but the relative sizes of your accounts can put a serious limit on its effectiveness.
Using a 529 Plan From Another State Or Your Home State?
Residents in many states can use a 529 plan from another state without losing any tax benefits.
What Having My Car Die in the Middle of the Road Taught Me About Investing
Beware of overconfidence. It can cause great harm.
Target Date Funds Are Underrated
The one unique advantage of a target date fund can overcome all its flaws.
Schwab Target Index Funds: Hidden Gems For Your IRA and 401k
Schwab has two sets of target date funds. Look for the word Index in the name.
Recharacterize IRA Contribution At Vanguard
If you accidentally contributed to the wrong IRA at Vanguard, you can follow these steps to recharacterize the contribution.
Wealth Conversion Efficiency Adjusted For Inflation
Wealth Conversion Efficiency ratio measures how efficient you are in converting your inflation-adjusted earnings to wealth. Use the spreadsheet to find out how well you did.