If you have large accounts with Fidelity, Schwab, TD Ameritrade, E*Trade, or Merrill Edge, you may be able to borrow at a very low interest rate.
The Best Broker For a Custodial Roth IRA For Your Kid
If your kids work, seize the opportunity to open a custodial Roth IRA for them. See how to do it at Vanguard, Fidelity, and Charles Schwab.
How to Open a Trust Account at Interactive Brokers (IBKR)
Interactive Brokers (IBKR) offers attractive margin loan rates but it isn’t obvious how to open an account in the name of a trust. Here’s how.
Choose Your Investments and Your Accounts Separately
In light of $0 commissions, you get the best of both worlds when you choose who manages your investments and who manages your accounts separately.
Advice-Only: The Best Model For Financial Advice People Need And Want
Beyond fee-only, advice-only is the best model of obtaining financial advice.
Benefits For Large Accounts At Vanguard And Fidelity
Vanguard and Fidelity offer premium customer service and perks to investors with larger accounts.
The Largest 529 Plan And The Power Of Distribution
Which state has the largest 529 plan in the country? What does that tell us about the power of distribution by brokers and advisors?
Auto-Deposit Dividends To Bank Account: Fidelity, Merrill Edge
If you’re not reinvesting dividends, you can have them paid out automatically to your bank account. See how to set it up in Fidelity and Merrill Edge.
Online Investment Management: Wealthfront, Betterment, Personal Capital
Review online investment management services by Wealthfront, Betterment, and Personal Capital. How do these compare with a target date fund from Vanguard?
Clearing Firm: Your Broker’s Broker
You learn so many things if you pay close attention. On my recent brokerage account switch from Wells Fargo to TD Ameritrade, I noticed this in my transaction history: Transfer of security from First Clearing Who’s First Clearing? I thought I was transferring from Wells Fargo Advisors. It turns out that my account had been […]
Brokerage Account Closeout Fee Tax Deductible Or Not?
By moving my brokerage account from Wells Fargo to TD Ameritrade, I earned a signup bonus from TD Ameritrade, but I also had to pay a $95 account closeout fee to Wells Fargo. I could’ve left the minimum amount necessary to keep the Wells Fargo account open and free, but because the signup bonus more […]
Brokerage Account Signup Bonus Taxable Or Not?
I’m following the lead from my own post Huge Bonus Offers From Brokers: Fidelity, Schwab, TD Ameritrade, ETrade, Merrill Edge. Although I’m satisfied with the service of WellsTrade brokerage account provided by Wells Fargo Advisors, the huge bonus offered by its competitors is just too good to pass up. I moved my brokerage account from […]