Detailed steps and screenshots for how to buy Treasuries on the secondary market without a fee at Fidelity, Vanguard, Charles Schwab, and Merrill Edge.
When to Sell I Bonds or Cash Out and Buy TIPS
I Bonds are great for the short term but TIPS are better for the long term. Calculate whether the time has come to cash out your I Bond and switch to TIPS.
How to Split an Existing I Bond for Multiple Beneficiaries
You can name only one beneficiary on a savings bond. If you’d like to name two or more beneficiaries, you have to split your bond into multiple parts.
Cash Out I Bonds Tax Free For College Expenses Or 529 Plan
It’s possible to cash out I Bonds tax free for college expenses or transfer to a 529 plan but you must meet an income limit and some other requirements.
Better Inflation Protection with TIPS Than I Bonds
Consider investing in TIPS for inflation protection after maxing out I Bonds. They have no purchase limit, and you can invest through a mutual fund or ETF.
How To Buy Treasury Bills & Notes Without Fee at Online Brokers
Treasuries pay a higher yield and are easier to buy than CDs right now. Here’s how to buy them without fee at Fidelity, Vanguard, and Charles Schwab.
Long Box Spread Trade vs Buying Treasury Note or CD
A long box spread can be a good alternative to buying a Treasury note or a CD if you don’t screw up your order. Here’s how to do it at Fidelity.
Short Box Spread Trade vs Margin Loan at Fidelity
A short box spread trade effectively gets you a loan at a low fixed rate for a fixed term. Don’t do it if there’s any chance you’ll make a mistake.
How To Use Password Manager with TreasuryDirect for I Bonds
Do this trick when you buy I Bonds and use a secure password stored in a password manager instead of the virtual keyboard on the TreasuryDirect website.
The Case Against Roth 401(k): Still True After All These Years
Most people are better off contributing to a traditional 401k, not a Roth 401k. Here’s why.
I Bonds Tax Treatment During Your Lifetime and After You Die
You can report accrued interest from your I Bonds every year but it gets complicated in real life. Keep it simple and go with the default.
Overpay Your Taxes to Buy $5,000 in I Bonds
I Bonds offer a better yield than all other safe investments. After you max out your annual limit, you can buy another $5,000 by overpaying your taxes.